You’re currently a college student, and you've noticed a problem that a lot of us college girls have: we don't know how to break away from that high school style and into a more mature look. You know you try, but you’re still stuck in a phase of Abercrombie and Hollister ensembles paired with Birkenstocks, Uggs or flip flops. So how exactly are you supposed to express the new, mature you through your clothes?
dressed up does not mean
wearing a backless top, skintight jeans, and a pair of super high
heels. During the daytime, you'd start with a small change--swapping
out your Uggs /Birkenstocks for chic ballet flats. You can buy an
adorable pair at Target or Bakers. Or try switching out your zip up
sweatshirt for a long, lean cardigan, or wearing a button-down shirt
with a crew neck sweater on top. It's all in the details--it's fine if
you want to wear jeans, but tuck in your shirt and add a belt. Think
of Blair Waldorf's school ensembles for inspiration--a bit preppy, a
bit polished, but never, ever, slutty! Please don't wear stilettos to
class. For your first "grown up college girl" outfit, start
with a pair of skinny jeans, ballet flats, and a long cardigan with a
skinny belt around the middle. They're subtle changes, but you'll be
feeling more sophisticated in no time!
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